Book a meeting room

We have the following rooms and equipment

Saturne Vénus Mars Neptune Pluton
In "Conference" format 60 seats

Talking circle :

10 to 15 seats 

20 seats 40 seats impossible
In "U-shaped meeting" format 30 seats 12 seats 16 seats impossible impossible
In "Basic" format 20 seats In "U shaped meeting" format In "U shaped meeting" format 20 seats 6 seats
Interactive touchscreen display Yes No No No No

Zoom-room + Independent microphones and speakers

Yes No No No No
Large projection screen with HDMI cable No Yes Yes Yes No
Flipchart paper and whiteboard Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


All our rooms are equipped with a coffee machine and a kettle

All our rooms are set up in a standard "Meeting" format

In the booking form, you will be able to choose a specific layout for an additional small fee.

"Basic" format

"U-shaped meeting" format

"Conférence" format

Booking form

About us

La Cité Des Associations, community center of Brussels. Easily reserve one or more work places in our coworking or one of our meeting rooms.

Contact us

+32 (0)2 123 45 67

Rue Émile Féron 153

1060 Saint-Gilles


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