Drafting statutes

We help you draft articles that hold up or bring them into compliance with the Companies and Associations Code. We support you from A to Z : from drafting your purpose to publication in the Moniteur Belge.


You don't have to search for long on the internet to find model statutes.

However, the importance of well-written statutes is often underestimated.

In fact, the statutes determine the very operation of your association :

  • A clearly defined purpose and object are essential. If they are too narrow, they can confine you in a framework that is difficult to break free from. If they are too broad, they can dilute your activities to the point where they become incomprehensible to third parties.
  • The organization of General Assemblies, Board of Directors meetings, and day-to-day management is equally important.Penser des statuts de façon réfléchie, en adaptant la rédaction à la réalité de votre ASBL est capital au démarrage de votre projet. 

Many non-profit organizations find themselves trapped in inappropriate operational rules.

Thinking about statutes in a thoughtful way, adapting the writing to the reality of your non-profit organization, is crucial at the start of your project. 

That's why La Cité Des Associations has made it its specialty! Since our creation, we have drafted hundreds of statutes.

An experienced lawyer is available to listen to your project and support you throughout the process of creation, drafting, and registration of your statutes.

About us

La Cité Des Associations, community center of Brussels. Easily reserve one or more work places in our coworking or one of our meeting rooms.

Contact us

+32 (0)2 123 45 67


Rue Émile Féron 153

1060 Saint-Gilles


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